Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Traffic on Newspaper Websites WAY Up.

According to today's issue of MediaWeek, newspapers may be struggling with their printed editions, but they are making significant progress increasing web traffic to their online platforms. I must confess, I'm doing virtually ALL of my newspaper reading on my iPad and laptop. I still subscribe to a couple of newspapers, but it seems like all I do with the newspapers is pick them up off my driveway and put them into the recycling bin. The New York Times web products are incredible, customizable, and well executed. Their iPod and iPhone apps are wonderful. Even The Connecticut Post, our local daily here in Bridgeport CT, is putting out a surprisingly good product. It's no wonder that web traffic is up.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Short History of the iPod in a Single Graphic

In the late ’90s and early aughts, MP3 players were known, well, as MP3 players. However, when Apple launched the iPod on October 21, 2001, it was such a huge success that it only took a couple of years for most people to simply start using the name “iPod” when they referred to an MP3 player.

Apple sold 125,000 iPods by the end of 2001; it sold a flabbergasting 225 million by 2010. Coupled with the music management/online music store one-two punch that was iTunes, the iPod turned out to be one of the most successful gadgets of all time.

In the amazing infographic below, you can see the rise of the iPod and iTunes (and how they’ve affected our lives) over the last nine years. It’s true: The rest of the MP3 market never stood a chance.

Thanks to Ricky Linn for this amazing infographic, and to Mashable for the info.

The iPod Revolution